Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

Manfaat Makan Telur Goreng.

Para ahli dari Kanada menyebutkan bahwa konsumsi telur dapat menurunkan tekanan darah, terutama yang digoreng. Para ilmuwan ini menemukan bahwa telur beraksi mirip obat penghambat ACE, penurun hipertensi. Saat kontak dengan enzim perut, telur memroduksi sebuah protein yang memblokade angiotensin, hormon yang menyebabkan penyempitan pembuluh darah. Telur goreng merupakan benteng terbaik karena mereka memblokade angiotensin lebih banyak daripada yang direbus. Tapi, bukan berarti Anda mesti menggoreng semua makanan yang dikonsumsi.

Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

Keep healthy with running

To keep healthy not only with healthy foods, but we need to exercise and maintain our body weight to stay healthy and away from dangerous diseases.
For exercise, we can do with running. For this activity we need special shoes to run in order to be comfortable. Even to run out door activities, we need special shoes (trail running shoes).
For this activity, we also need pedometers to see how far we have run, unless we have pedometers.
Exercise will not be complete if we do not know how heavy your exercise. For that you need a heart rate monitors to track your heart rate. With a heart rate monitors, you can be sure that your exercise eficiently and effectively. For all above you can get in here.